28 January 2012


Man, what a night! After swimming and having fun at the beach, we finally got to camp after 10pm. I went to sleep pretty quickly, waking at 12am to flick my curtain up for more air. I must have gone back to sleep. Then I vaguely heard the dogs barking and was just in the process of waking up to shut them up when CRASH!! Jessica and Mummy nearly collided between the bunks and I said "What was that?" and followed them into the kitchen. There was a funny cracky popping sound then Mummy said, "The window's shattered! Get back here, Jessica!" I couldn't see anything because I was behind them and Jessica had the torch. We went back between the bunks and I said, "You've got to be kidding me!" After we grabbed some more torches, we went back up and found that the driver's side window was smashed and there was glass all over Daddy's seat and Mummy's seat and the floor. The next window along was also smashed, but because of the curtain and the seat rail the rock was lodged behind the seat. The other rock was down the foot well, we found later. After standing around for about ten minutes and talking, we decided to call the police who arrived within half an hour of the rocks being thrown. While they were here we heard another "rock through a window" callout on the police's radio, this one with injuries and an ambulance was heading out there as well. We started to realize how lucky we were that the front windows were done and not any by the beds. Unfortunately all we'd seen and heard was footsteps, car headlights, then a car drive away, so the police couldn't really do anything. They said they'd stick around and keep an eye on things. Needless to say, we didn't get much more sleep - even the dogs were on edge and waking up at every little noise. So this morning we have a pretty big clean up to do, and find a windscreen repair place that's open on a Saturday!

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